Thursday, October 8, 2009

Eva Gabor..."Vary Vell I Run A House"

Eva Gabor, that California woman by way of Budapest, breezed in: brown chiffon pants-gown, yellow backless shoes, pearl earrings and the complexion of a college Homecoming Queen. We cheered her appearance. "I'm very small, five feet vun and a half inches," she said shortly. "I used to dress like I vud be tall until I came to the conclusion that I'm short, and I'm round, and I'm Hungarian, and I'm never going to be tall whatever I do." When Eva was chaired and quenched, the question landed: Would you ever like to be just a housewife? Her sweeping laugh: "I theenk I vud go mad! But you said 'just a housewife,' which is not fair, because being a housewife is very hard and nobody gives any credit. I like to be appreciated ven I verk. Also I'm not a good cook. (Looking at her husband Richard Brown.) Do you remember that hamburger I made you once? I made him a hamburger once and it looked like dog food because I vanted to make it so good that I put in av-rything I find in the kitchen, and consequently I put in a raw egg and it just vent in all directions. I am one of the verst talents in the kitchen, and vary vell I run a house, but cooking--put me in a kitchen and you starve to death. I'm a frustrated singer. I vud rather sing than anything in the world. I'm taking singing lessons. But naturally I can't sing and I don't have any voice, but I vud just love to. I take lessons from George, oh vot's his name, he's in my phone book under singing, but I've packed the phone book. July first I have to be back in California to shoot Green Acres for CBS television. It's amazing how audiences took to this show. I love the sudden fame, I must say. Any actress who says it isn't vunderful to be famous, I don't think they tell you the truth."
-Ladies Home Journal, July 1967

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